Personalizing a Funeral With Funeral Software

Personalizing a Funeral With Funeral Software

Funeral personalization is at the top of many client families lists when they are planning a funeral for a loved one. They may not refer to it as such, but they are asking to include personal touches into the service of their loved ones. These requests started with simple things such as asking for help putting together memory board for photographs, being able to light a candle and recite a special poem and some, more techie types where taking the personalization into their own hands, even creating their own tribute videos.

A funeral software company, has responded to these requests from not only client families, but the funeral industry by developing software programs that take personalization to the next level. In fact, this software does everything client families and funeral professionals were asking for, and more. The personalization, thanks to this software, can be completed in-house and is quick and easy. The results are exceptional.

Whether the family wishes to include photographs and special wording into the funeral stationery, to create tribute videos, personalize funeral candles and other keepsakes, this ever-evolving funeral software can do it and more. Plus, the funeral software is upgrading constantly, the upgrades are seamless to the funeral professional, but enhances the resulting products. Take a look at two of the latest upgrades:

Integrate Home Movies Into Video Tributes

With smart phone technology and advancements in data sharing, it seems most everyone is creating and sharing home movies, short video clips, and family photos. As part of a recent upgrade to the funeral software, funeral professionals can receive home video footage from client families, edit it to highlight specific clips, and insert the recording to become part of a moving video tribute.

Generation & Printing of QR Codes

While still a new concept to most, QR Codes are becoming a widely accepted and sought after way to identify products, store data and company information. Another new feature to funeral software is the ability to generate and print a QR Code on the back of funeral stationery. At the command of the funeral professional, the funeral software generates the QR code and prints it along with the selected theme and other personalized verbiage, and photographs, on custom funeral stationery.

Using a smartphone to scan the QR code printed on the back of a loved one’s funeral stationery, client families will be able to view the tribute video dedicated to the deceased, read condolences, sign an online guest book, and view an online photo album right on their phone.

The technology that’s available to people today has been growing in phenomenal leaps and bounds. It should be no surprise that people expect more from everyone, including their funeral professional. What they’re asking for is funeral personalization, what you can deliver is up to you. But, funeral marketing consultants can help. They’ll make sure to keep you ahead of the needs and wants of client families and do it in a simple, affordable way, with easy to use, cutting edge technology.