Five Tips For Home Staging for the Busy Real Estate Agent

The average real estate agent gets so caught up in paperwork, phone calls, and clients that there is little time left for elegant home staging. The thing is, home staging does not have to be a huge production every time, and it is a critical element to selling a house. With a little help from your clients or a professional, it can be done in a quicker and simpler manner than you may think. Here are a few tips that won’t keep you out of commission for a whole day but can make a difference in the home you are selling that potential buyers notice and appreciate.
1. Think of What the Buyer Sees First
Is it an inviting front porch? A beautiful stained-glass front door? Is it a walkway covered in leaves? Or is it ugly trashcans out in the driveway? Of course, the busy real estate agent would not have time to do any last-minute landscaping unless they hired a professional. At the very least, make sure to sweep the walkway and see that there are no distractions such as trashcans taking away from the curb appeal of the house.
2. Spray that Spray
Nothing is worse or more embarrassing than odd or unpleasant odors when selling a house. A little air freshener at the front door, in the bathrooms, or around the kitchen trash is crucial. Try something neutral and fresh – not overbearingly fruity – that won’t overwhelm a potential buyer. A “clean laundry” or “linen” scent works best.
3. Set the Mood
No, we’re not talking bubble baths, but candles and dim lighting can do the trick, especially for evening showings. Place candles in the kitchen or by the fireplace, anywhere where they can be noticed and appreciated. Don’t forget to keep the front porch lights on at night or schedule a timer so potential buyers can see the house when they drive by in the evening.
4. Hide the Clutter
Although some houses may be in some bad shape and require a great amount of time and effort, in less serious cases real estate agents can quickly diminish minimal clutter before a showing. Store food and containers in the pantry and drawers. Hide bills and stacks of paper. Remember, it’s not about the current owner’s style and lived-in comfort; it’s about potential buyers.
5. Don’t Forget the Outdoors
A busy real estate agent can quickly give the back patio a sweep and set out a vase of fresh flowers. If vines and vegetation have overgrown an outdoor space, allow yourself time to consult with a professional landscaper or give some tips to the current owners. Turn on an inviting light so that you pique the curiosity of a buyer to visit the space as they walk through the house.
Although these tips are simple and can be done fairly quickly, it is surprising how many real estate agents do not take the time to appropriately prepare a home to attract their clients. Hopefully, with these five tips, you will be less overwhelmed and see that a few tricks up your sleeve can go a long way.